Will Global Car Production Fall by 80%?

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 4, 2022

Dear Reader,

We're standing at the edge of a void… and it's got nothing to do with Putin or his nuclear saber-rattling.

It's no longer a minor concern or some sort of long-term hurdle to watch and eventually overcome. This problem is immediate and dire and will have consequences for the next two generations unless a solution is found.

Let me show you what I mean…

According to Credit Suisse, global lithium demand will triple between 2020 and 2025.

By the year 2028, electric vehicle sales will account for approximately 33% of global car sales or about 25 million vehicles annually. 

By 2032, that number is projected to reach 54%.

At the moment, global lithium production will only support annual EV production not exceeding 12 million.

You see the problem?

Supply is nowhere near where demand is projected to be, yet nations have banked on the EV revolution happening. Most of Europe has even scheduled bans on gas- and diesel-driven vehicles to go into effect in the 2030s.

Lithium is essentially the oil of the 21st century. Our entire economy will — at least if you believe the talking heads on TV — become lithium-based in the coming decades.

China's Long Game

Not just the cars you drive or the buses or trains you ride, but the power that supplies the heat in your home and the electrons feeding your outdoor lighting will be more likely to come from a solar or wind-turbine-fed lithium storage arrays.

That's the image of the future… Unfortunately, that image is now the property of the Chinese Communist Party, and that's the very core of the problem we face today.

You see, the Chinese have been planning for this lithium takeover for decades. Years before you started seeing their giant cities and half-mile-tall skyscrapers popping up like mushrooms, the Chinese were scouring the world, searching for and acquiring lithium exploration and production properties.

Today, they own the lion's share of exploration, production, and refinement, and that share is only set to grow in the coming years.

Just think of China as the lithium equivalent of combining the Saudi and Russian fossil fuel market shares.

And their grip will tighten as the market swells.

Centuries from now, this planning and foresight will be studied as one of the greatest catalysts for geopolitical power shift in all of human history.

Today, however, as those on the losing end of this shift, the realities are much more practical.

Have the Chinese Already Won the Next War?

The Chinese will be in control of the market for the one element none of us can live without… After all, anybody with a mobile device, a computer, an electric vehicle, or a house whose power comes from renewables is directly dependent on it.

But as strangling as this situation is, the Chinese plan has one weakness…

Lithium itself.

You see, as universal as lithium is in the production of batteries, there are developments being made at this very moment in an attempt to thwart this catastrophic power shift.

Lithium, as the key cathode material, has now been effectively supplanted by a revolutionary new material.

Classified as a "nanostructure," it's just a single molecule thick and has some of the most spectacular physical properties of anything known to man.

It's 200 times stronger than steel. An acre of it weighs less than a gram.

Is This Alien Technology?

When used as a cathode, the resulting batteries would outclass today's lithium-ion benchmark by leaps and bounds.

Your EV would have a range of 1,000 miles. The battery would last for more than a million miles, outlasting the rest of the car and maybe even its owner.

Most dramatic of all, charge speed for these new batteries is on the order of 70 times faster. You would literally be charging your car to full capacity faster than the guy at the pump is filling his tank.

That's a game-changer all on its own, but it's not even the best part.

The best part, by a long shot, is that this remarkable new material doesn't need to be mined or refined. It's created in a lab using nothing more than natural gas and electricity.

That cuts out the Chinese problem as well as any other supply chain issues that may plague future demand.

Now, here's the kicker and the reason why this article is appearing in Wealth Daily

The patents to this technology — I'm talking about the batteries as well as the novel natural gas production method — are owned by a single company.

A single company whose entire business is this new material. It literally does nothing else.

A Next-Gen Battery Pure Play

Right now, its stock is riding very close to 52-week lows thanks to the general market turmoil.

The market cap for this company, after recent bloodlettings, is just south of $200 million — which is the most astounding fact of all when you consider that the lithium-ion market is worth about 300 times that and will probably at least double by the middle of the decade.

This company, whose first production batteries rolled off its Brisbane-based production facility lines earlier this year, holds the key to cutting the Chinese out of the global energy market once and for all.

The only reason it's not trading at a billion-dollar or higher market cap is simple: Nobody knows this story yet.

The anti-Chinese implications here make it a liability for the mainstream media to report, as half of them are owned by the CCP, but make no mistake… The Chinese fear this company and are working desperately to develop similar technologies.

That makes this perhaps the most under-bought stock trading on any North American exchange today.

There's too much more to the story for me to get into right here, so check out this quick informational video.

You'll walk away knowing everything there is to know about the tech, the market, and the stock that could easily be trading at 10x current prices in less than a year.

For immediate access, enter here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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